
Rimmel Lipsticks!

Rimmel Lipsticks!

Today I came to work super excited and the thought of arriving to one of my many packages I have been expecting as of late!! To my astonishment my thoughts came true and I was greeted by small package from Priceline Australia!

Inside the package was 4 Rimmel lipsticks I purchased in a CRAZY 2 for 1 deal they had going last week!! I am yet to try them! But even the colours on the labels look fantastic!! I have been loving the purple/plum lipstick as of late! So was swooned when I saw a similar colour in their 2 for 1 deal, it will definitely be the first that I will try from the bunch! I will be sure to post a video review during the week!!

My day was then topped off by my girlfriend Rebecca asking me to have lunch with her today and a wine……little did I know she wasn’t planning on eating anything for actual lunch, but we still had that glass of wine ;). Wines at lunchtime on a Monday……..thanks LIFE!
